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Alzheimer Nederland can be included as a co-funder in a Dutch or International funding call. For more information, please visit our website.


This call is open for applications all year round.

However, please note that we require a minimum of 4 weeks for the evaluation of your application.


For any queries, please contact our Scientific Research Team via


Alzheimer Nederland can be included as a co-funder in a Dutch or international funding call. We like to assist researchers in these endeavors, but their projects should of course meet a few criteria:

  • Please make sure that the proposed research fits within Chapter 3, 4, and 5 of our Research Agenda.

  • Alzheimer Nederland solely co-funds projects that are assessed in a funding call with competing proposals. The scientific merit of the application will have to be reviewed by an external or independent committee or reviewing board. Furthermore, Alzheimer Nederland will only co-fund a project if this is a requirement set by the primary funding organisation.

  • Alzheimer Nederland will only consider funding the minimum required amount for a co-funder in the application. This amount is dependent of the total amount requested for the project to all funding organisations, whether the project fits our research agenda, and Alzheimer Nederland's available budget.

  • Alzheimer Nederland's co-funding is of course dependent on the awarding of the primary funding organisation's funding.


Alzheimer Nederland will only consider funding the minimum required amount for a co-funder in the application. This amount is dependent of the total amount requested for the project to all funding organisations, whether the project fits our research agenda, and Alzheimer Nederland's available budget. Alzheimer Nederland's co-funding is of course dependent on the awarding of the primary funding organisation's funding.